The Around Again charity has worked with The Colebridge Trust to develop the Around Again shop at Junction in North Solihull. It is actually based upon a pantry model, whereby users receive much more than a quick of food fix; although we recognise that often this is the primary need when first engaging.
The shop provides a dignified way for the user to access food; much more a shopping experience with food choices. We also stock other essential items such as toiletries.
We ask for a regular voluntary contribution of £3.50 for which the user receives approximately £15 worth of items (based on average retail value) – they also become part of the around again collective to receive holistic support.
If you are a referral agency who would like to request a food parcel on behalf of a North Solihull resident, please use the Around Again Referral Form
Alternatively please email:- or call:- 0121 448 0720
Around Again is aimed at people / families who are experiencing food poverty. Our aim is to tackle this not only through the provision of food and items, but also by working closely with users to help to alleviate other sources of hardship. This can include help with employment, volunteering, health & wellbeing, training, personal budgeting, and advice with shopping smarter and cooking healthy. We accept direct referrals, as well as from partner organisations.
People using the shop are encouraged to give back locally, be more active within their community and support organisations such as ours with volunteering capacity. This approach has resulted in reduced isolation / loneliness; improved mental health; improved physical health; improved community cohesion; employment; and helped the service users to become more resilient – thus being better able to support themselves and their families.
The team works closely with external providers who deliver specialist interventions for issues such as substance misuse. Acting as the key worker, they maintain a close relationship with service users and ensure that a tailored action plan is in place. Regular reviews with service users enable the team to identify additional needs, as well as highlight their progress and achievements.
We are always looking for food, toiletries and cash donations, as well as regular volunteer support – please click here to donate via Neighbourly