Our community capacity projects have helped to develop and establish a number of local groups and organisations. Furthermore we have helped to ensure that they have been supported with governance, fundraising and to develop local networks.
Previous projects have been funded by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, West Midlands Police, Big Lottery and support has also been provided on a pro bono basis.
The support of local people, to help provide capacity is key to back-filling gaps in public services, raising awareness of local issues, tackling local problems and providing a representative voice for the community. Our previously supported groups help to improve community cohesion and create inclusive opportunities.
A more recent examples of our work is the refurbishment of Junction, a local community centre which was destroyed in an act of deliberate vandalism. Refurbished from our charitable reserves, we are now providing a hall for community hire, community garden, employment and skills support, a timetable of healthy activities; and recently started parent and chatty cafe.