
Our fundraising efforts include grant making trusts, delivery of contracts and trading via our social enterprise.  However, many of the essential things that we do, require fundraising via individual and corporate donations.

Your donations are vital in ensuring we can provide the best support to those in need within our community. Our beneficiaries include:-  people with long-term health conditions; disabilities; mental health conditions; long-term unemployed; lone parents; young people at risk of becoming NEET; and those marginalised through other deprivation linked factors.   Your donation can contribute to:

  • Funding of mentors & delivery of one-to-one interventions
  • Paying for service user equipment & resources
  • Delivery of health and well-being sessions
  • Food, basic sanitary items, equipment & transportation for the social supermarket Around Again

To donate, contact us or click here to donate via Neighbourly.

Thank you for anything that you are able to do!

